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October Moon Branding Agency is a women-owned company that provides branding, graphic design and social media content services for fashion, beauty, lifestyle and professional services businesses. Our goal is to help our clients establish a strong brand identity and stand out in their respective markets in order to achieve their financial goals.


Unique Expertise: Our team has a deep understanding of the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle industries and we use this knowledge to create impactful branding strategies that resonate with consumers. Our women-led team provides an unique perspective and fresh approach to branding that sets us apart from our competitors.


Customized Solutions: We understand that every client has unique needs and goals. That's why we tailor our branding services to meet the specific requirements of each client. Our process begins with a thorough analysis of the client's brand, market, and target audience, and we use this information to develop a customized branding strategy.


​Results-Driven Approach: Our primary focus is delivering results for our clients. Our branding solutions are designed to drive growth, increase brand recognition, and engage customers. We work closely with our clients to ensure their branding is consistent across all platforms and effectively communicates their unique value proposition.


At October Moon Branding Agency, we are committed to helping our clients succeed. Whether you're launching a new product, rebranding your business, or simply looking to increase your brand's visibility, our team has the expertise and experience to help you reach your goals. Contact us today to learn how we can help you build a stronger brand.

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy is a long-term plan for attracting customers to your fashion, beauty and lifestyle brand. It helps you achieve your business goals through positioning, messaging and defining --- motivating customers to purchase your products. Once the design process is complete, your brand strategy is used as a road-map for visuals: logo design, packaging design, website presence, marketing & advertising efforts.


*Contact us for a personalized quote*


Brand Strategy Includes

  • Mission & Vision 

  • Core Values

  • Positioning & Messaging 

  • Competitor Research 

  • Brand Attributes & Voice 

  • Target Profiles 

  • Customer Journey

  • Brand Goal Alignment 

  • Content Strategy

Creative Direction

Creative direction is the branch of brand development that deals with the concepts around a brand. It’s the ideas that become a reality in the form of logos, advertising campaigns, marketing materials and more. It can be hard to define because rather than being one thing, it’s a combination of many elements



*Contact us for a personalized quote*

Creative Direction Includes

  • Brand Foundation

  • Business Systems

  • Marketing Methods

  • Brand Aesthetics & Style

  • Visual Identity

  • Brand Styled Imagery

  • ​Brand Strategy Guidelines Document

Website Development

With your ideal customer in mind, we define the exact elements your website needs to get in front of your target persona and close the sale. This process includes steps from design to launch, from selecting a web platform (Wix, Shopify, Squarespace), defining the individual focus and quantity of web pages, designing web elements, setting up a shop for your products, through to selecting the ideal graphics, images and text content for each section. All with a goal of increasing your product sales for revenue growth.



*Contact us for a personalized quote*

Website Development Includes

  • Website Plan

  • Sales Funnel

  • Web Platform

  • E-Commerce Websites

  • Setting Up Your eShop

  • Graphics & Images

  • Website Copy*

  • Social Media Covers

*Our content strategist can develop your content (text + images) for your website and other media, or you can provide your own content for us to include into the design process*.

You've seen the client transformations, and now you're feeling FOMO. The ball is in your court. Are you going to keep playing it small, or are you going to invest in a brand or rebrand that's going to take you to the next level and give you results? Let's get started.

NOW BOOKING! Schedule a 30 minute Zoom or telephone call with our team by completing the form below. Discovery calls are required for all new prospective clients.


*Please only schedule a call once you are ready to begin working with us*.

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